11. The Good Escape |
The gang returns to school after their summer break. The housing situation may have changed but the character sure haven’t developed at all. But one room looks too much like a jail cell, which calls for one thing. ESCAPE!!! |
12. The Iron Beard |
A house fire causes quite a bit of floor damage. The one responsible will have to pay, through delicious means. |
13. 300 Thanks |
The ground shakes, drums… drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A shadow lurks in the dark. We can not get out… they are coming… |
14. The Hermit |
The room finally takes it’s toll, and Mike Weiss drifts ever deeper into insanity… |
15. Merry Christmas Mike Weiss |
T’is the season… |
16. The Artist |
The rises and pit falls of fame… I’m still confused. |
17. The Project |
Mike Weiss now has a class project to show off, instead of an actual episode. |
18. St. Paddy’s Day |
Ah, it be a grand old holiday for a pint of Guinness, if it were not for one laddie stricken with a horrible illness |
19. R.A. |
Mike Weiss tries to become a Residential Assistant (Or Residential Awesome as he says). Nuff Said. |
20. Mr. Weiss goes to Washington |
The gang go on a road trip to Washington DC. They say no one goes into poiltics dirty, so its time to clean up DC. |